About Us

The Donegal Music Education Partnership (DMEP) provides music tuition across Donegal. Our goal is to have accessible music lessons for everyone at a reasonable price.
We provide instrument hire for new students.
We run workshops, ensembles and choirs to help develop our students’ musical and social skills.

To find out more, call us on 074 9176293, email us at musiceducation@donegaletb.ie or check out our Facebook page & Instagram account.

We’re part of the Donegal Education and Training Board We’re helped by funding from the Department of Education and Skills.

One of the guiding principles of the DMEP is that music has the potential to make a vital contribution to all our lives. Learning to play an instrument or singing in a choir helps to build your confidence, develops your creativity, shows the value of discipline and builds social skills. It’s also been shown to fire up lots of areas of the brain

Group and individual lessons are offered in a range of instruments. Most lessons are after school hours and on Saturdays. This tuition is largely held in the network of schools, colleges and centres operated by our parent organisation, Donegal ETB. 

Well done! Mother and daughter Anne Marie Quinn (grade 4) and Emily Kelly (grade 1) with their RIAM certificates. They were learning with DMEP tutor Anderinna Gooch.


We’re a busy organisation!

We have more than more than 400 children and young people doing weekly tuition on an instrument or voice

We have over thirty tutors across the county

We run several performing groups, such as the Donegal Youth Orchestra, Donegal Chamber Orchestra, Donegal Youth Choir and Donegal Junior Strings, as well as an adult cello ensemble

We have 1000 children learning ukulele on our schools programme – and another 70 learning fiddle in east Donegal

During the year we’ll organise many concerts, performances, examinations, masterclasses and more, in partnership with the wider music and arts community on the island of Ireland.

These young musicians aren’t quite so young anymore – but they’re still musicians (and good ones)! A photograph from Soundwaves 2017, a project delivered on behalf of Donegal Music Education Partnership by Wall2Wall Music and funded by the Music Generation/Arts Council Partnership.