Come and try music session in Donegal Town

The Donegal Music Education Partner ship (DMEP) are ensuring that children and young people in the Donegal Town area get more opportunities to learn how to play music and to sing.

Martin Mc Ginley & Victor Yelamo
They are holding a ‘come and try’ session featuring lots of different instruments in the Adult Education and Training Centre at Drumcliff, Donegal Town, on Tuesday 19th January. The session runs from 5.30pm to 6.30pm and will be hosted by the cellist Victor Yelamo and fiddler Martin McGinley, who’s recently been appointed Acting Music Development Officer with the DMEP.
Martin McGinley and Victor Yelamo.
“It’s a great chance for children, young people and their parents to come along and have a go at an instrument for a bit of fun,” said Martin. “If we get enough interest in an instrument we’ll run classes. We’re already teaching piano, violin, viola, saxophone and other instruments in the Donegal Town area, and Victor has just started doing cello. We also have voice classes.”
Victor Yelamo, who’s originally from the Malaga area of Spain, is taking the new cello classes in the Adult Education and Training Centre on Tuesday evenings. He has some spaces for new students. He is a full-time performer and teacher, as well as being director of Donegal Camerata. He remains a member of the acclaimed Concerto Malaga. Victor would also like to hear from string players of all abilities who are interested in taking part in a string ensemble in the Donegal Town area.
For more information contact Music Education Partnership on 07491 76293, or email