Donegal Youth Orchestra tops bill at National Concert Hall

Donegal Youth Orchestra with conductor Vincent Kennedy

The Donegal Youth Orchestra have been chosen to close the evening concert of the Festival of Youth Orchestras in the National Concert Hall on Saturday.  More than seventy young musicians from right across the county will be on stage in front of conductor Vincent Kennedy and a packed NCH. The orchestra will play six pieces, including five from the suite

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World premiere at Conwal Church concert

The composer of a new piece of music being premiered in Letterkenny next weekend has said it draws its inspiration from the sounds of Donegal and the experience of living in the county. ‘This is Real’ has been written by John McLachlan, one of Ireland’s best-known contemporary composers. He lives near Redcastle in Inishowen. The piece will be performed in

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Come and try music session in Donegal Town

DMEP come and try sessons

The Donegal Music Education Partner ship (DMEP) are ensuring that children and young people in the Donegal Town area get more opportunities to learn how to play music and to sing.                       They are holding a ‘come and try’ session featuring lots of different instruments in the Adult Education and Training

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