Soundwaves III week – for the 21st century young musician

Make music, make friends and make progress. That’s the promise to those taking part in Soundwaves III Soundwaves III week is happening in Errigal College in Letterkenny from Monday 20th February to Friday 24th – the mid-term break. If you fancy a week making music with a bunch of music-mad teens then sign up! Here’s the application form. Soundwaves III is

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Young music lovers wanted for Soundwaves III

The acclaimed Donegal music project, Soundwaves, kicks off for 2017 with a day-long workshop on Saturday 28th at Coláiste Ailigh in Letterkenny. Around 20 young musicians and singers from around the county will be taking part in the workshop. Some places are still available for anyone aged 13 – 18 who’s interested in creating songs and music. Soundwaves is organised by

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It’s hello Soundwaves, farewell Fab Four!

Attention switches to Soundwaves III in Coláiste Ailigh in Letterkenny next Saturday (28th) after the success of the ‘Fab Four’ workshops at the weekend. Around 35 musicians and singers came from right across Donegal to get tunes, songs and chat from Julie Fowlis (voice), Kris Drever (guitar/voice), Aoife Ní Bhriain (fiddle) and Padraig Rynne (concertina). The workshops took place on Sunday

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DYO and MYQ on Culture Night :-)

That’s the Donegal Youth Orchestra and Mind Your Quavers, in action here in the Regional Cultural Centre in Letterkenny on Friday night (16th Sept) for Culture Night. The Donegal Youth Orchestra will have an open rehearsal from 8.15pm to 9pm. Then it’s time to search the building for Mind Your Quavers, everyone’s favourite ‘back to music’ group (hint – they’re

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Congrats on the results!

Best wishes to all DMEPers getting their Junior Certificate results today 🙂 And remember – they’re not the end of the world (although if you’re delighted, great!). Some of us can hardly remember them. Actually, that’s not surprising, as they were called the Intermediate Examination results in that distant past. The chief executive of the Donegal Education and Training Board, Anne

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Trad times in Ennis!

Donegal was part of the Music Generation concert which kicked off the Supermacs gigrig at the All-Ireland Fleadh in Ennis on Thursday (18th August 2016). The Donegal Music Education Partnership helped to put together a group of very talented musicians from traditional music schools across the county. These included the Inishowen Traditional Music Project, Ceol na Coille (Letterkenny), Mulroy Music (Milford)

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We are finalising the timetables for 2016 – 2017 – a complex and time-consuming undertaking! Tuition starts again in the week beginning Monday 5th September. If you’re intending to return to tuition, please double-check that you have re-enrolled 🙂 This makes it much easier for us to sort out what students are continuing, and what spaces we have available . Full details of

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Soundwaves II delivers another big success

The achievements of the Soundwaves project in Donegal have been underlined after another stunning performance by young musicians at the end of Soundwaves II at the Regional Cultural Centre in Letterkenny.  After just three days, the twenty-eight musicians and singers showcased four original songs in small groups, an improvisation led in turn by two young conductors, and two remarkable new

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